The Library

The old home science fiction & fantasy library has grown to more than 400 volumes. I try to list everything online at LibraryThing.

In the real world, I have a method to the madness of organizing the library, although some might say it’s a madness of a method. I can’t quite remember the inspiration, but the better the book (in my very personal and subjective estimation) the closer to eye level it gets shelved. And the less great, the higher up they get shelved. There is one exception to keep me sane– all books of a series get shelved with the best book of the series. Here’s a quick pic, see what you can make out:

I also have what contrarian thinker Nassim Nicholas Taleb described in famed author Umberto Eco’s collection of books as an antilibrary. That’s where I shelve all the books I have purchased but not yet read.